Ultimateaddons New Product: Clip On Heated Grips

November 18, 2024 2 min read

Ultimateaddons New Product: Clip On Heated Grips

Autumn is coming up faster than expected, and it’s time to gear up get the most versatile Heated Grip in stock! Introducing Clip On Heated Grips, the ultimate solution for bikers and cyclists who value comfort, functionality, and convenience. Designed for e-bike and bicycles, these grips will make biking more comfortable through the colder months, with a simple clip-on functionality for easy addition to any existing handlebar grips.

With an RRP of £69.99, this unique new design is now available to buy from UA Distribution with competitive trade margins for stockists. Don’t hesitate to log in to our website and see the discounts available or get in touch with us to set up an account.

USB Powered Handlebar Heated Grips for Motorcycle and Bicycle

The grips can be powered by USB power banks or from the USB port of select e-bikes with this feature - please note the USB port requires a 2.1A electric flow to power the grips. They can be added to handlebars in seconds on top of existing grips between 31 and 35mm diameter by simply clipping into place over the top. Reaching a top temperature of 55°C in 30 minutes, these grips will keep riders warm whatever the weather.

The grips are supplied with a power bank holder to be able to securely mount to the bike’s handlebars for easy power access. Please note that the higher the mAh of the power bank, the longer the grips will last for. For example, our team tested these grips using two different power banks showing that a 10000mAh battery pack lasted slightly over 3 hours, whereas a 26800mAh battery pack extended the heated grips' usage to 4.9 hours.

USB Powered Handlebar Heated Grips for Motorcycle and Bicycle

The Ultimateaddons Clip On Heated Grips can be purchased from our website at the link below, where you can find more information about them. Please log into your trade account to view trade pricing.


If you have any questions about the product, or need help ordering, don’t hesitate to contact our team on 01854 611188.

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